1. From salamanders to greenhouse gases: does upland management affect wetland functions? Jones, CN, McLaughlin, DL, Henson, K, Haas, CA, and Kaplan, DA Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2018
  2. Effects of large wood on floodplain connectivity in a headwater Mid-Atlantic stream Keys, TA, Govenor, H, Jones, CN, Hession, WC, Hester, ET, and Scott, DT Ecological Engineering 2018


  1. Integrating geographically isolated wetlands into land management decisions Golden, HE, Creed, IF, Ali, G, Basu, NB, Neff, BP, Rains, MC, McLaughlin, DL, Alexander, LC, Ameli, AA, Christensen, JR, Evenson, GR, Jones, CN, Lane, CR, and Lang, M Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2017
  2. Estimating restorable wetland water storage at landscape scales Jones, CN, Evenson, GR, McLaughlin, DL, Vanderhoof, MK, Lang, MW, McCarty, GW, Golden, HE, Lane, CR, and Alexander, LC Hydrological Processes 2017


  1. Vertical surface water groundwater exchange processes within a headwater floodplain induced by experimental floods Hester, ET, Guth, CR, Scott, DT, and Jones, CN Hydrological Processes 2016
  2. A cost-effective image processing approach for analyzing the ecohydrology of river corridors Keys, TA, Jones, CN, Scott, DT, and Chuquin, D Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 2016


  1. Seasonal Variation in Floodplain Biogeochemical Processing in a Restored Headwater Stream Jones, CN, Scott, DT, Guth, CR, Hester, ET, and Hession, WC Environmental Science & Technology 2015


  1. Perirheic mixing and biogeochemical processing in flow-through and backwater floodplain wetlands Jones, CN, Scott, DT, Edwards, BL, and Keim, RF Water Resources Research 2014
  2. Floodplain biogeochemical processing of floodwaters in the Atchafalaya River Basin during the Mississippi River flood of 2011 Scott, DT, Keim, RF, Edwards, BL, Jones, CN, and Kroes, DE Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 2014